Access to our wide network of vetted top-notch professionals.
Companies rely on us to build teams with a human-centered approach.
We comprehend the distinctiveness of your requirements, shaping our services accordingly.
At the heart of our strategy is a focus on specialized knowledge tailored to your industry.
We are unwavering in our dedication to ensuring the success of our clients.
"It has been easy to work with NTD, the process for vetting candidates is quick and effective."
"We managed to scale a team of fullstack JS developers in Mexico quickly and without losing quality."
"NTD augmented Speridian staff capabilities, and with their hiring structure, we have managed to enter the nearshoring industry"
Our contracts are designed to be easily understood.
We are connected to over 100K engineers in the LATAM market.
We are connected to over 100K engineers in the LATAM market.
Our engineers are highly vetted technicaly.
Our recruitment engine is designed to deliver quality candidates very quickly.
We are very adept at building relationships with your team.
Same Time Zone
Cost Reduction
(50% lower than US)
Same Culture
Travel Distance
(3 Hours direct flights)
NTD Software S. de R.L. de C.V. opens their operations headquarters in Guadalajara, Jalisco right in the Silicon Valley side of the city, and an advisory office in San Francisco, California.
This article explores how AI is revolutionizing the industry of Talent Acquisition, weighing the pros and cons of this technological shift, and highlighting the innovative approach of companies like NTD Software.
The multinational French corporation Capgemini just signed a partnership agreement with NTD Software to help expand its operations in Mexico.
How can we help? Let us know and we’ll be in touch ASAP!