Client Referral Program: Lead Generation Policy

1. Eligibility

All sales representatives responsible for generating leads and closing deals are eligible to participate in the Lead Generation Bonus Program. To receive bonuses, they must meet the company's standards for qualifying leads and closing deals.

2. Bonus Calculation

Bonuses are offered for three key milestones: the introductory call, Master Service Agreement (MSA), and Statement of Work (SOW). These bonuses are cumulative, meaning a sales representative can earn all three bonuses for a single qualified lead if they successfully close an MSA and an SOW.

2.1 Introductory Call Bonus: Awarded for every introductory call made to a qualified lead that meets the company's criteria. The bonus is paid once the call is completed and the lead is verified as qualified by the company's sales team.

2.2 Signed MSA Bonus: Awarded for every signed MSA. The bonus is paid once the MSA is signed and executed by both parties.

2.3 Signed SOW Bonus: Awarded for every signed SOW. This bonus is paid 30 days after the client pays the first invoice for the project, ensuring the client is satisfied and committed.

3. Payment Schedule

- Introductory Call Bonus: Paid within 30 business days of the completion of the call.
- Signed MSA Bonus: Paid within 30 business days of the signing of the MSA.
- Signed SOW Bonus: Paid 30 days after the client pays the first invoice for the project.

4. Disqualification

Sales representatives engaging in fraudulent or unethical behavior will be disqualified from the Lead Generation Bonus Program. Additionally, any leads or deals that do not meet the company's standards will not be eligible for bonuses.

5. Modification and Termination

The company reserves the right to modify or terminate the Lead Generation Bonus Program at any time, with or without notice to the sales representatives.